Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Wonderful, Raider Staff,

“I never teach my students, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” ~Albert Einstein~

Welcome back, staff! I am looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year and learning together with you. I hope that you had a restful and relaxing summer, which has invigorated to you be back on campus. We ended last year with the idea of coherence in tandem with creating a culture of learning. Many of you took on the summer reading, which hopefully, has inspired something new in your teaching repetoire. The question that will guide us this year is the same as the district’s learning goal: How do we build a culture of learning that ensures each student has access to the disciplinary knowledge, literacy and life skills to be college and career ready? The only way that we can accomplish this goal is if our systems are working in sync to create conditions that provide the optimal learning environment for our students. Thus, in addition to our 23-24 word of “COHERENCE,” we are adding “CULTURE OF LEARNING” and “ACCESS.” This means that we might have to unlearn some things in order to embrace new ideas that move our goal forward. This past Thursday, our MTSS team met and we discussed in length about what will it take for our to learn something new. This idead of unlearning kept repeating in the conversations. Ms. Grady-Romero shared with us that at a certain time of the morning, she automatically sends herself this quote: “Progress requires unlearning.” What a profound statement.

Furthermore, with the implementation of our Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), we ensure that we are supporting the whole child, not, just in academics, but in behavior and socio-emotional well-being, with particular attention to physical and mental well-being. Part of this assurance is providing you with tools that will support behavior and SEL conditions in your classrooms. You will learn about that support on Tuesday.

Moving forward, I challenge to you reflect on your practices guided by these questions. What should you keep? What should you unlearn? What should you learn and embrace?

Introducing our Newest Staff Members

As of Monday, we have four new staff that have accepted positions at SOH. Please help them feel welcomed by saying hello to them.

  • Eleina Vallejo-Paez, Counselor
  • Yessica Gomez, Librarian
  • Jerald Kumagai, English/Prep for Success Teacher & Girls Basketball Head Coach
  • Neennah Neuman, Chemistry Teacher
  • Francine Moreno, MTSS/Coordinator/RP Teacher/APEX Teacher

Three Vacancies in the System

To date, we still have three vacancies that we are hope to fill in the next couple weeks:

  • Two English positions
  • One Special Ed position

Professional Development Information

Please read the sections below regarding PD on July 22-23. On Tuesday, we will be having a potluck. Admin will provide the burgers and hots and associated accoutrement. Click HERE to contribute to the potluck by bringing a favorite dish, salad or drinks.

First Day Procedures

Please read the section on First Day Procedures. Dr. Javier will also be leading a rotation regarding this top. It is important that you follow all protocols, especially the class counts as I will be called in a cabinet meeting to give an actual count for the next 10 days. They are using this data to determine if they will give us more ftes due to an increase in enrollment or take away ftes due to a decrease.

Class Change Requests

Note that class changes will not be changed in the first three days. Our primary goal is to ensure that all students have 6-8 classes depending on the grade level. On Monday, July 29, 2024, the counselors will send out a google form that you will complete. Your counselor will call you out with pass if the change is possible. Be advised that we are not changing classes due to teacher preferences unless there is evidence of prior conflict with teacher.

Main Office Entrance Has been Relocated

In an effort to increase our safety measures, the main office door has been relocated to the side door next to my office. You will see the signage as you enter. The old entrance will remain locked. A work order has been entered to install a fob there so that we can add it to our fobs. Thank you for your support in this matter.

We have a great year ahead. Together, we can do this.

Click HERE to access the parent/student newsletter.

Raider staff, let’s have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Finley