Attendance Information

Attendance Information

Attendance Information

Regular attendance is critical to the learning process and academic success. Parents and guardians should be aware that five or more absences in a semester may have a significant negative effect on a student’s academic progress since there is a clear connection between student achievement and attendance. Students preparing themselves for their life work need to regard punctuality and attendance as fundamental for later success. Irregular attendance is detrimental both in school and in life.

California State Law

California State Law requires daily attendance. The only exceptions are excused absences, which are as follows:

  • Personal illness
  • Quarantine by city of county health officer.
  • Medical, dental, optometric, chiropractic or physical services.
  • Funeral services for immediate family in accordance with District Policy No. 5112.

Repeated unexcused absences from all or part of the school day, as well as unexcused tardiness, is “truancy” under the California State Education Code. Chronic truants will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) in compliance with district and municipal court procedures.

Procedures for Absences

  • All absences are to be cleared with a “blue slip” or a signed note by parent/guardian.
  • Students who do not clear absences within 10 days of returning to school will need to attend Saturday school to clear those absences.
  • Students who do not attend Saturday school may be suspended.
  • Students who miss 5 or more days of school per semester, excused or unexcused, are subject to being placed on an attendance contract.