Raider Reporter
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Principal’s Message
Amazing Raider Families,
15 days left of Semester 1!
December is considered the loneliest month of the year. For many people, December is a source of joy, but for many others, December represents feelings of loneliness and sadness, often associated with the winter months, but also with holiday season when many spend the holidays alone. Consequently, many organizations have turned this month into a time of the year to intentionally demonstrate care, not just for others but for yourself. When you care for others, it takes aways the focus on yourself and focus on the needs and struggles of others. Below is a “Caring Countdown Calendar.” This special countdown, all the way to Christmas Day, outlines different selfless and kind gestures towards other people. I am going to do these caring acts, and I wanted to share it with all of you so that you can join me. Let’s actively demonstrate our care for others who need cheer during this holiday season.
Reflect and record how much joy this season brought you.
-Give someone a hug or compliment.
-Let someone in front of you in line.
-Buy a friend or colleague coffee.
-Hold the door open for someone.
-Bake cookies for your local fire department or police department.
-Give a friend or loved one your full attention.
-Donate a Christmas present to a charity.
-Write a holiday card to soldiers.
-Do something kind for yourself.
-Hide a happy note for someone to find.
-Donate unwanted books to charity.
-Tape someone money on a vending machine.
-Smile at a stranger, or 2, or 15.
-Get in touch with an old friend or relative.
-Let a car in front of you in traffic.
-Write or send a thank you note to someone.
-Smile and thank someone who serves you.
-Tell someone you love them.
-Pay for a stranger’s coffee.
-Offer to help someone.
-Donate unwanted clothes to charity. Do something unexpected for someone.
-Give a treat to your postal carrier.
-Do something kind for yourself.
-Tell a joke to make someone smile.
Have a great week!
Easter Finley, Principal
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