ASB Candidates 2025-26

My name is Daymar Bejarano, a junior running for ASB President. I am a well-rounded student involved in academics, sports, and leadership. Going into my fourth year in ASB, elected Attorney General for 2 consecutive years, Capstone ’26 co-founder & President, Link Crew ambassador, dual language member and more. Throughout my high school career my involvement has made me gain-strong leadership and organizational skills. I’m committed to inclusivity, ensuring all students feel a sense of belonging. To support non-proficient English speakers, I will incorporate Spanish into event posters, announcements, and scripts to keep everyone connected and engaged.

Hello my name is Sarah Lopez, I am a Junior at Southwest High school, and I am running to be your ASB Vice President for the 2025-2026 school year. I am very blessed to have the opportunity to run for this position and be a part of this amazing school. Being a part of this school I’ve had the chance to meet amazing people that includes my friends, teammates, teachers, and role models and I would like to follow their desire to make the school a better place. I’ve been a part of the school’s varsity girls soccer, flag football, water polo, dual language, link crew and mariachi. I believe I am qualified for this position due to my leadership, school involvement, and passion to make our school a better place for the students and teachers. Being a part of many sports and clubs at school, I’ve grown a passion for school spirit and I would like to embrace it all around our campus. By helping the attendance of sports games and of VAPA performances increase, this would help unify our school and make every student feel supported. Thank you for your time, I want to thank you for considering me for this position.

Hi my name is Autumn Ramirez, I’m in 11th grade and I want to be your ASB Vice President for the 2025-2026 school year. Due to showing diligence and persistence in my studies, I believe I am a perfect fit for this position! I’m also currently a treasurer for 2 clubs, Class of 26’ and Drama. Which also adds that I’m reliable, and have good communication skills. I plan to help Southwest students improve school spirit and overall help make our school a positive environment. I want my peers to feel comfortable and confident at school, and I would personally like to see more students involved in spirited activities which will give Southwest a fun vibe that everyone can enjoy.

Hello! My name is Aaron Ruiz. I am currently a junior here at Southwest. I am running for the secretary position. Why vote for me you may ask? I’m going onto my 3rd year in ASB this upcoming year. Alongside maintaining straight As and being involved in 4 sports, Being in ASB all these years has taught me how to manage my time efficiently and what it truly means to be a part of the student body. I hold the characteristics of leadership and ambition. ASB has truly helped me understand what it’s like to be someone that leads and the future Secretary, I will leave my mark on this school forever and not just temporarily. I plan to implement projects to improve the student experience. One of these projects I have in mind is organizing larger cultural events that will bring forward community and create unbreakable bonds between students. Although we are a small school, we have big problems. If I am elected as ASB Secretary, I will work my hardest to attend to these problems and make sure no one ever feels excluded or as if they don’t belong.

Hi, my name is Diane Sandoval, I’m in 11th Grade and I want to be your ASB Secretary for the year 2025-2026!! As a transborder student, I have been in the situation that a lot of Raiders are in, I want to help you to reach your goal, and with my listening, communication, as well as bilingual and problem-solving skills, I want to make sure that you get the best experience in SOH. My goal is to help students be more involved in school and extracurricular activities. Some ideas that I have are to provide teachers with resources for all the activities and clubs that you can join during the year. As well as to take into consideration your opinion to create the best environment in school. Together let’s make SOH the happiest place on Earth!!!

Hello, my name is Zoey García, I’m in 10th grade and I’m excited to run for ASB Attorney General for the 2025-2026 school year! I believe I’m qualified for this position because I have strong leadership skills, having been in ASB for almost two years. I’m dedicated and reliable, always making sure I get the job done and striving to go above and beyond in everything I do. I take the initiative to complete tasks that aren’t necessarily my responsibility, which reflects my commitment and work ethic. Being bilingual allows me to communicate effectively with others, helping to voice their opinions and understand their needs better. Some ideas I have in order to enhance students’ experiences at Southwest High include improving school spirit and culture. I think it’s important for students to feel welcome and involved in their school to make the most of their high school experience. Therefore, I want to encourage participation in sports, clubs, and other school activities and events in order to create a stronger sense of community and belonging. I believe that this will not only improve student’s experiences but also the overall school environment.

Hi, my name is Mia Montiel I’m in 10th grade and I want to be your future Head of Finance. As Head of Finance in ASB, I would bring responsibility, organization, and strong money management skills. I run my own small business, so I’m experienced in handling money, tracking expenses, and making smart money decisions. I’m also good at problem-solving and staying calm when challenges come up. Communication is important to me, and I believe in working as a team to keep everything clear and organized. Most of all, I’m committed to making sure ASB’s finances are handled responsibly and effectively.To improve Southwest High, I’d focus on making school more fun and inclusive. I’d help plan more spirit weeks, pep rallies, and fun fundraisers like food fairs or events to bring everyone together. I think meetings on money management would be helpful too. I’d also push for more clubs and leadership opportunities so students can get involved in things they care about. Also, encouraging students to go to meetings where we talk about what we can do to better Southwest High seeing as students opinions should be considered for everyone to have a say in things we do in school.

Hi, I’m Danitzia Bejarano I’m in 9th grade and the position I’m running for is assistant to the AP. Some characteristics that I posses that make me qualified for this position are that I’m very hardworking I like to learn new things I’m passionate and committed to grow. Some ideas that I have and would improve a students experience would be clubs for every interest and college prep for first gen students.

My name is Ambar Roche. I am a junior here at Southwest and am running for the “Assistant to Assistant Principal” position. The qualities that make me suited for this position are my proactivity—whenever I finish a task, I ask if I can help with anything else—my determination to finish a task, and my creativity. This position requires me to take leadership when no other officer is present so I can find solutions to certain issues or tasks.
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California Scholarship Federation Rules
Southwest High #980 South
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an honorary academic society. Membership is based on semester grades. Beginning in 10th grade, if you apply and qualify for four semesters, including one in your senior year, you will be a Life Member. If you receive all six possible semesters, you will receive Lifetime Membership with Honors. All CSF Lifetime Members will all be recognized at graduation.
Semester membership is entirely based on the grades from the previous semester. No class retakes. No summer school. Students must earn 10 points from 3 lists: core classes, pathways, electives. More details on application. Points are earned in the following manner:
Grade A = 3 points One additional point for HN or AP classes (2 times only).
Grade B = 1 point D or F anywhere disqualify
Grade C = 0 points student from applying at all
CSF is a state organization and includes a $5 per semester donation. Dates and times are relayed on KSoH, over the school announcement, on the website, and an email to both students and parents, and through morning announcements. Students are responsible to apply in the time period (week 3 and 4 of each semester). Students must reapply each semester. If a student has trouble with fees, see Ms. Rettenmund (Room 1111).
At Southwest, a student earning six successful semesters receives a golden CSF sash to wear with white gown to wear at graduation. A student who earns five semesters receives a golden cord to wear with white gown. A student who earns four semesters graduates in white gown. Students will purchase or rent gowns, CSF will indicate color. Upon request, all students with 4, 5, or 6 semesters receive a CSF diploma and CSF cover with their name printed out as they want it on the final senior application date (the day after senior finals each year).
ELD / Bilingual students are eligible to apply. At Southwest, the officers voted to have an Adaptive sash for students who are in the Moderate / Severe program in their 12th grade year to ensure full inclusion to Raiders. Every year new officers are interviewed so each grade level, gender, LGBTQ+, race, religion, ancestry, origin, marital or parental status, or the perception of any or all of these characteristics has representation in this club.
1) What is CSF and what is its purpose? | 1) CSF is a high school honor to recognize a high level of academic achievement. |
2) Who is the advisor? Officers? | 2) Ms. Rettenmund (1111) Diego Cruz, Miranda Marin, George Olvera, Ketzia Rios Monteon |
3) What are benefits? | 3) Graduating in white gown; college applications status; CSF diploma, sash, or cord |
4) What are requirements? | 4) Semester membership; No Ds or Fs permitted in scholarship or citizenship; Extra points for HN or AP; Summer school and retaken classes do not count; see application for more rules. |
5) How do I become a Lifetime Member? Highest Honors? | 5) Life Member is 4 and 5 semesters; Lifetime with Honors all 6 semesters |
6) Do 9th grade semesters count? | 6) No, those semesters do not count, but it is good practice for the next 3 years. |
7) When are applications accepted? | 7) Applications are accepted week 3 and 4 of every semester during lunch in room 1111. Transcripts will be provided. |
8) Can you go back to previous semesters for any reason? | 8) No, CSF rules state no applications will be accepted after week 4 of the current semester. Other schools semesters can be transferred. |
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