Senate Meetings

Senate Meetings

Student Senate Meetings 2020 – 2021  (PDF)

Dates: Once a Month

Location: Online [DL]/Cafeteria

Time: 2:45pm

  • January 27th
  • February 17th
  • march 17th
  • April 21st
  • May 19th

We are asking for your support in ensuring that all active clubs/programs on campus select a Student Senator (President, Vice President, Captain) to participate in our monthly Student Senate Meetings.

Student Senate serves as a meeting place for student leaders from all active programs on campus to discuss school-related needs, initiatives and activities.

Student Senate meetings also serve as a platform for us to maintain transparency with student leaders on campus in terms of ASB-related decisions and actions. Student Senators are a voting party who assist the ASB in making school-wide decisions that have a direct impact on our student body.

Distance Learning Meetings: A Student Senate spreadsheet will be sent to Advisors to list the names and emails of your Student Senator. Our ASB Officers will send the virtual invite to all Student Senators for each meeting. Meetings will take place virtually on the dates listed above at 2:45pm.
On Site Meetings: When students are on campus, Student Senate meetings take place in the Cafeteria after school and lunch is provided.

Motivation: Student Senate is an active student leadership program on campus. Senators can add this to their resumes and are recognized at the end of the year with an official certificate and luncheon.

We appreciate your support!

Thank you,
