Spirit Week Next Week!
October 11-15

ASB Merch for SALE!

Mrs. Cuellar-Martinez
Assistant Principal/ASB Dean of Activities
Associated Student Body
ASB President: Metztli Carbajal
ASB Vice-President: Ailani Serrano
ASB Secretary: Victor Albañez
ASB Attorney General: Ziony Franzen
Assistant to the Dean: Mariza Gutierrez
Head of Finance: Katelyn Ayala
AP/Dean of Activities: Aimee-Cuellar-Martinez
ASB Financial Tech: Julia Rios
Follow the SOH ASB on Instagram! @soh.asb
Your student’s high school years should be among their most memorable times. At Southwest High School we work hard to create “magical moments” that will give your students the opportunity to smile, laugh and recall with great affection in the future when they are at home or in the workplace re- telling the stories of Southwest High. Help your students build those memories by encouraging them to become involved in school activities. Impress on your students that they are “part of the whole”, and that an important life skill is learning to be selfless, contributing to make the group better, not just the individual. We have several interest clubs, sports and academic clubs on campus for your student to take part in throughout the year.
High school is more than just taking classes and getting ready for college. Most major college and university admission requirements include active school participation and service over an extended period of time as important selection criteria. It is not necessary for your student to be in every club and organization, but it is important that he or she is actively involved for four years in school life.
As parents, you are encouraged to visit school; attend our games, and musical performances, participate in parent meetings and volunteer for activities often.
At orientation, ASB Cards will be sold for only $20.00. The ASB card will get you into all non-playoff home games (excluding Homecoming) *Save $6 per home Football game and $5 per home Basketball game with an ASB card. Other items will also be sold at discounted prices only on Raider Gear Day. A price list is included below for your convenience.
Your student will take their school picture on July 31-August 2 depending on their English class. At that time they will be issued a school ID. All students must carry their school ID at all times on campus and to off campus functions. Replacement IDs can be purchased in the ASB for $10.
SOH Clubs on Campus
Below are the current list of clubs on campus. If your are interested in joining any of the clubs below or would like further information please come by the ASB.
AP U.S. History⧫ ASB ⧫ ASU ⧫AVID ⧫Band ⧫Biology⧫Campus Clean-Up ⧫ Campus Connect⧫ Cheerleader Club⧫ Chemistry Club ⧫ Class of 2018 ⧫ Class of 2019 ⧫College and Career Readiness ⧫Competitive Video Game ⧫CSF ⧫ Culinary Arts⧫ EcoEngineering ⧫Ecology Club⧫ Gay/Straight Alliance Club ⧫Health Career Academy Club⧫ Japanese Club⧫ Lion’s Club Scholarship⧫ Literature Club⧫ Mariachi⧫ MEChA⧫ Pan Asian ⧫Pep Club⧫ Robotics ⧫Royal T’s ⧫Safe School Ambassadors ⧫SOH Wave Catchers ⧫SOHIKERS⧫ Speech and Debate⧫ SWest Coed ⧫ Theatre/Drama Club ⧫WHAMM Club⧫ Yearbook Club⧫
Forms and Club Information
- Inter Club Council (ICC) Meeting Dates 2019-20
- Club Meeting Minutes Template with Sign In Sheet
- Voluntary Participation Form
- Welcome Advisors! Presentation
- Fundraiser form *REVISED*
FAQ about the ASB
What exactly is the process to join ASB?
A: To apply to ASB you have to wait until the beginning of the last quarter to get an application for the following school year. The application contains questions that help the officers know you a little better and your interest in joining ASB. Your teachers also fill out a letter of recommendation and help us with their opinion on you and if you could suit the job. You choose what commissionership you would like to become a part of, and later have an interview with the officers. After reviewing your interview and grades, if you seem qualified you will get an acceptance letter and start training immediately to fulfill your position and responsibilities.
How does ASB contribute to the school?
A: Besides the assemblies, pep rallies, food fairs and many more fun events we put together to keep our school a united place, ASB is also the business of the school. The money we raise every year is used towards sports (ex. purchasing team uniforms) and other extra-curricular activities that promote school spirit. We also aim to support each club in how to manage their organization and trust accounts and help them reach their goals in raising the money needed for their events. ASB also organizes important school events, such as Open House, Picture Days, Future Raider Day, Principal’s Honor Roll and Graduation among other things.
What are the basic requirements for me to start a club?
- Any students interested in beginning their own club must first find an advisor on campus, which must be a certificated staff member, and then compose a group of students who would be interested in joining. Clubs must fulfill a purpose which will benefit students, and may not simply be of a social matter.
How can I find out the amount that is currently in my club’s account?
- Any member of the club or club advisor can request that information at any time from our ASB Accounting Technician, Ms. Rios.
What are the benefits to purchasing an ASB card?
A: Students who purchase an ASB Card will be given free admission to all home Football and Basketball games, excluding Homecoming and Playoff games. Other additional benefits are included, but may vary.
Where can I purchase my senior portraits?
A: All senior portraits are available for purchase on the prestige portraits website.
Who can I go to when I have ideas on school improvement and suggestions for upcoming events?
A: As representatives of a diverse student body, we take into consideration the opinions of all our Southwest High School students. Any student who expresses an interest in bringing forth new ideas can certainly attend our Student Senate forums held once a month in the cafeteria and also receive the opportunity to interact with other leaders on campus.
I recently sold at a Food Fair, but have yet to make a deposit. I would like to participate in the next fundraiser, do I have to complete anything before then?
A: Any clubs who take part in a fundraiser are expected to make a deposit and turn it in along with a revenue reconciliation form within 24 hours following the fundraiser.
Who can I go to if I did not receive a uniform because I didn’t fill out the uniform checkout form?
A: Any students who have yet to receive a uniform for any sport must report to any ASB Athletics Commissioner who will assist students in checking out their uniforms.
Who can I talk to if I did not get a senior night poster?
A: Coaches send the ASB a list of all Seniors on the team. Any students who did not receive a senior night poster may approach any of the ASB officers.
Can I pay with credit card/checks at the ASB?
A: ASB transactions are solely cash.
How do I apply to ASB?
A: ASB applications are usually released during late March or early April. All steps in the application must be followed and teacher recommendations must be filled out and turned in by the deadlines outlined in order to be considered to join ASB. Applicants meeting all listed requirements and qualifications will be contacted for an interview. Members selected to serve in ASB will be notified by the ASB officers.
How do you become an ASB Officer?
A: In order to become an ASB Officer the individual must have been an ASB member for at least a year (Junior year required), and must be an upcoming senior to be considered. If no senior is available for a position, an upcoming Junior may be considered with the approval of the ASB Dean. The student must then fill out the ASB Officer application provided by the ASB Dean, and turn it in by the deadline. Once all applications are turned in, the ASB Dean will review them to determine who is eligible to run for office. After this, election week begins, and the candidates present a speech ranging from 30 seconds to 1 minute on the school’s news broadcast, and are allowed to campaign around campus for a set period of time. Finally, a ballot is created and students across campus vote for who they want in the various positions. Votes are counted by underclassmen ASB members and the winners are announced as the new officers.
What positions are offered in ASB?
A: The positions offered in ASB are: Pep & Activities, Athletics, Publicity, Sound & Media, and Finance. All commissions are equally important in the success of our ASB family and have equal opportunities and input.
What are Senate Meetings?
A: Senate Meetings are meetings held by ASB officers once every two months. Representatives from the various clubs on campus attend to learn about different site-based initiatives and to share input on upcoming planned activities.
Where do I go to get a flyer/poster approved?
A: Poster and flyer approvals are done at the ASB by our Attorney General. If the Attorney General is not present when you go to ASB, you are more than welcomed to leave your posters/flyers with us and come back the next day.