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Principal’s Message

Amazing Raider Families,

“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices.” ~Robert Braathe~

When I returned to the United States after an extended time in the Philippines, I was never more thankful for a toilet that could flush easily. Or, being able to take a shower with running water. Or, not worrying if there is a brown out or black out in electrity on any given day. These are things that we enjoy so easily in this country because the infrastructure was created to handle millions of people using these electricity, toilets and showers at the same time. I don’t express my gratitude for these things until it is taken out of my life for a long period of time. That should not be the case. We should always be conscientious about showing our gratitude for everything in our lives. Brene Brown, researcher on Joy and Gratitude, assumed in her research, that joyful people were grateful. What she discovered was the opposite. Instead, she found that people who practiced gratitude tangibly, were joyful people, not the other way around. She stated that “practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives.” As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, I encourage you to practice gratitude. Below are ways in which you can practice gratitude.

Tangible Ways to Show Gratitude

-Use one of your own ideas. I know you have many.

-Tell one person daily that you are grateful for them.

-Keep a physical gratitude journal and write down one thing/person/event/anything for which you are grateful each day.

-Complete a gratitude google form that you can have on your cell phone that you can access and input a grateful thought each day. Click HERE to make a copy of a Gratitude Google Form that you can use

-Create a gratitude jar and put on a desk in your bedroom or office desk or in the kitchen for your entire family. Write a gratitude note and place in the jar. At the end of the month, your can look back and see all the blessing you received or experienced in the time period.

Have a great week!

Easter Finley, Principal

Community School Parent Fair

Free Turkeys!

Take the student survey HERE.
Take the family survey in EnglishSpanish or Tagalog.

Spirit Week!

College App FEst Friday

Congrats Carlos!

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